无论多么不值得一提的小事,都能留在心底一辈子,这就叫窝心。最窝心的爱不是轰轰烈烈,而是点点滴滴小小的爱触动内 心最柔软的角落。
感觉彼此的心跳。feeling each others heart beat.
在家和朋友狂欢一晚后一起收拾房间。Arranging the house together after a night spent with friends
讨论什么是对的而不是争辩谁是对的。deciding on what is correct instead of finding out who is right
洗发水进她眼睛的时候轻轻递给她毛巾。giving her the towel when her eyes are filled with shampoo
爱,就是…Love is...她在婚纱店前放慢脚步。the time when she slows down in front of the shops selling wedding dress
爱,就是…Love is...蜜月的时候两个人一起生病。the time when both of you get ill on your honeymoon
爱,就是…Love is...用早餐的香味叫醒赖床的他。waking him up with the smell of a wonderful breakfast on Sunday morning
爱,就是…Love is...为她拂去眼前的头发。pulling her hair away from her eyes
爱,就是…Love is...一杯饮料,两根吸管。two pipettes in a drink
爱,就是…Love is...看感人电影的时候递给她纸巾。passing her tissue papers if the film is too moving
爱,就是…Love is...红灯停车时偷偷的亲亲。stealing a kiss when you stop before at the red light
爱,就是…Love is...下雨天心里暖洋洋的大太阳。the sun shining bright in a rainy day
爱,就是…Love is...两个人一起看电视。watching TV together
爱,就是…Love is...到处都能看到他的脸庞。seeing his face everywhere
So Romantic..... Envy