想起了曾經說過的一句諾言,如今卻明白感情其實並非自己所能控製,沒有人知道明天會發生什麼,既然擁有著,就學會享受吧。也許存在才有希望,不要等到有一天愛情失去了原本的色彩,諾言也就一文不值了。這世上的事有開始就會有結束,感情亦如此吧。等到 Game over的那一刻,是毀滅還是解脫,也隻能獨自承受。
海誓山盟的感情,對於現在的現實生活也許隻是一種妄想,太多的感情都存在於金錢與理性之間,而往往金錢卻更勝一籌,記得有人這樣的告訴我,現在的社會, 有錢就有感情,有時甚至感情在金錢麵前一文不值,雖然這句話太過於極端,但他也真正的體現了現在人對生活的一種渴望,對物質生活的渴望,並不是說這樣選擇 生活的人就是貪婪,因為每個人選擇生活的方式不同,一個問題站在不同角度,去想,去看,他體現出來的意義就不一樣,但也不要被現實沖昏了頭腦!
參照周圍的感情,曾經覺得自己是幸福的。隻是突然發現,自己的手心和手背都是冰涼的,竟然找不到 可以取暖的東西。那樣的我還是幸福的嗎?我是不是一直都在自欺欺人,也許這個世上本沒有誰是誰的誰,我隻能妥協,在愛情麵前,向寂寞低頭。原來,愛與不愛 都是寂寞的。愛比不愛更寂寞。
讚好 3
讚好 3
讚好 9
讚好 26
畢竟年代久遠 三從四德的觀念揮之不去
但是如果你真愛你的老公 就能愛屋及烏
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Love is the greatest feeling in the world
Love is the greatest feeling in the whole world. When you are in love, you see mainly the positive sides of the character of the person, you are in love with. Everyone wonder sometimes what the reasons I love you are. However, each one of the persons has different reasons, but some of the most common among all of them are:
1. One of the reasons I love you is the way you make me feel alive, because that is the most important thing for one person.
2. Another one of the reasons I love you is that you have trust in me, because one couple can’t survive a long time without it.
3. I love you, because you are faithful.
4. I love the way you talk.
5. I love you, because you are one of the most intelligent people I know.
6. When you hug me, I feel safe.
7. I am in love with your green eyes, because when you look at me I feel loved.
8. Another one of the reasons I love you is the fact that you know how to be a real man.
9. I love you, because you are my best friend.
10. I am in love with you, because when I need you, you are by me and when I need help, you will help me immediately.
11. One of the reasons I love you is the way that you kiss and touch me.
12. I love you, because you can forgive.
13. Another one of the reasons I love you is your optimism.
14. I love you, because you can always make me laugh or smile even when I don’t want to.
15. I love your gentleness with me.
16. I am in love with you, because you are so nice.
17. One of the reasons I love you is the fact that you take care of me.
18. I love the way you smile.
19. I love you, because you are awesome to my mom and dad, and my brother and even my dog and how they all love you so much.
20. Another one of the reasons I love you is the fact that I learn new things about you every day.
21. I love you, because you let me in your life and your heart.
22. I am in love with you, because you give me a presents without a reason.
23. I love your honesty.
24. One of the reasons I love you is your perfect body.
25. I love you, because of your charm and charisma.
26. I love your strong hands.
27. Another one of the reasons I love you, because of your aspiration to achieve success in your life.
28. I love you, because I am in your plans for the feature.
29. I love you, because you always bring out the best in me.
30. I am in love with you, because you always look for and find the positive in everything.
31. One of the reasons I love you is the fact that you always tell and show me every day how much you love me.
32. Another one of the reasons I love you is that I can be myself when I am with you.
33. You are never boring.
34. We can talk about everything.
35. I love you, because you are the light of my life.
36. I am in love with you, because you are the most beautiful thing in my life.
37. One of the reasons I love you is that every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat.
38. I love to hear your voice.
39. I love your smell.
40. I love you, because when you are with me everything seems possible.
41. Another one of the reasons I love you is the fact that you help me with everything.
42. I am in love with you, because you make me feel like I have never felt before.
43. I love you, because you always respect my decisions and are always behind me.
44. I love that we can talk for hours about nothing.
45. I love the way your body moves when we kiss.
46. One of the reasons I love you is that I can feel your love in the warmth of your touch, because it touch my heart and my soul.
47. Another one of the reasons I love you is that every night, when we go to sleep, you hug me.
1. One of the reasons I love you is the way you make me feel alive, because that is the most important thing for one person.
2. Another one of the reasons I love you is that you have trust in me, because one couple can’t survive a long time without it.
3. I love you, because you are faithful.
4. I love the way you talk.
5. I love you, because you are one of the most intelligent people I know.
6. When you hug me, I feel safe.
7. I am in love with your green eyes, because when you look at me I feel loved.
8. Another one of the reasons I love you is the fact that you know how to be a real man.
9. I love you, because you are my best friend.
10. I am in love with you, because when I need you, you are by me and when I need help, you will help me immediately.
11. One of the reasons I love you is the way that you kiss and touch me.
12. I love you, because you can forgive.
13. Another one of the reasons I love you is your optimism.
14. I love you, because you can always make me laugh or smile even when I don’t want to.
15. I love your gentleness with me.
16. I am in love with you, because you are so nice.
17. One of the reasons I love you is the fact that you take care of me.
18. I love the way you smile.
19. I love you, because you are awesome to my mom and dad, and my brother and even my dog and how they all love you so much.
20. Another one of the reasons I love you is the fact that I learn new things about you every day.
21. I love you, because you let me in your life and your heart.
22. I am in love with you, because you give me a presents without a reason.
23. I love your honesty.
24. One of the reasons I love you is your perfect body.
25. I love you, because of your charm and charisma.
26. I love your strong hands.
27. Another one of the reasons I love you, because of your aspiration to achieve success in your life.
28. I love you, because I am in your plans for the feature.
29. I love you, because you always bring out the best in me.
30. I am in love with you, because you always look for and find the positive in everything.
31. One of the reasons I love you is the fact that you always tell and show me every day how much you love me.
32. Another one of the reasons I love you is that I can be myself when I am with you.
33. You are never boring.
34. We can talk about everything.
35. I love you, because you are the light of my life.
36. I am in love with you, because you are the most beautiful thing in my life.
37. One of the reasons I love you is that every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat.
38. I love to hear your voice.
39. I love your smell.
40. I love you, because when you are with me everything seems possible.
41. Another one of the reasons I love you is the fact that you help me with everything.
42. I am in love with you, because you make me feel like I have never felt before.
43. I love you, because you always respect my decisions and are always behind me.
44. I love that we can talk for hours about nothing.
45. I love the way your body moves when we kiss.
46. One of the reasons I love you is that I can feel your love in the warmth of your touch, because it touch my heart and my soul.
47. Another one of the reasons I love you is that every night, when we go to sleep, you hug me.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
2.在街上遇見美女凝視時間不超過5秒,並迅速指出那位美女與她相比較的美 中不足。
3.如果她做錯了事,心裡已經很難過,請主動承擔起你應該甚至不應該承擔的責任吧 。
21.看她的眼神無比專注 。
22.說話的語氣情深意長 。
24.有女孩和你說話,你要拉著她的手,如果她恰巧不在旁邊,那麼請你跟她們保持距離 。
26.要懂得珍惜和她在一起的每分鐘 。
27.就算再忙,每天都不忘打一個問候的電話 。
39. 在她心情遭透,蠻橫發脾氣的時候,抱抱她,而不是和她理論。
2.在街上遇見美女凝視時間不超過5秒,並迅速指出那位美女與她相比較的美 中不足。
3.如果她做錯了事,心裡已經很難過,請主動承擔起你應該甚至不應該承擔的責任吧 。
21.看她的眼神無比專注 。
22.說話的語氣情深意長 。
24.有女孩和你說話,你要拉著她的手,如果她恰巧不在旁邊,那麼請你跟她們保持距離 。
26.要懂得珍惜和她在一起的每分鐘 。
27.就算再忙,每天都不忘打一個問候的電話 。
39. 在她心情遭透,蠻橫發脾氣的時候,抱抱她,而不是和她理論。
1. 你耍自閉就是在打擊我
2. 不要在發動機車前有感而發:妳好像變重了!?
3. 不要常常天亮才睡,然後睡到傍晚再起來。
4. 我不吃冰的東西不全代表MC來了
5. 可以不要經常說:………
6. 吃東西太快的時候,不要一副被嚇到的樣子。
7. 吃東西太慢的時候,不要很不耐煩
8. 不要付錢很大方,回家只吃泡麵(現在男女平等,你不需要幫我出錢)。
9. 可以去參加聯誼,但是不要以為我什麼都不知道。
10. 能不能在夜歸時打電話跟我報個平安。
11. 下雨天騎車盡量穿雨衣,走路盡量撐傘。
12. 不要因為你的理想和目標而拋下我。
13. 煙酒可以盡量避免嗎?
14. 別把心事都悶在心裡不說出來讓我知道。
15. 問什麼都說:沒事啦,妳不要亂想。
16. 不一定什麼東西都要加辣吧。
17. 我會在意你的穿著,是因為關心,不是因為好面子。
18. 對兄弟哥倆拔刀相助時,能不能偶爾想到我。
19. 可以不要在加班或是熬夜時就六親不認嗎?
20. 生病看醫生不是丟臉的事情,病假不只是用來消曠課
21. 穿新衣服的時候不要說我怎麼又去逛街!
22. 常常穿同一件衣服請不要說:怎麼又穿這一件?
23. 看美女我可以理解,但是不要太熱切跟我討論。
24. 我會每秒鐘都想著你,你要接受這個事實。
25. 你不說話的話,我會直覺你是在生氣。
26. 不要太直言直語,縱然你的個性就是這樣。
27. 為什麼你會害怕讓你生活裡的人知道我是你女朋友?
28. 可以每天洗澡、換上乾淨的衣服嗎?
29. 不要總是一個人悶著頭去完成一件事情。
30. 我也會有男性朋友。
31. 別常常做出令人不安的事情。
32. 要適時的表達感覺,否則我會以為你不愛我了。
33. 運動完不要用袖口擦汗。
34. 不要覺得搭公車是很俗的行為。
35. 交通不是永遠那麼糟糕,下次遲到的話可以換個理由嗎?
36. 不要對我包包或手機上的掛飾感到幼稚。
37. 走路比你慢的時候,不要轉過頭來很煩躁的要我走快一點
38. 我說想減肥,不要直覺回答:那是不可能的。
40. 依賴是因為信任你,溫柔是只有對你。
41. 沒事卻打電話給你,是因為我在想你。
43. 多用語言表達自己的想法和感受,我們會相處得更好。
44. 我不是愛聽花言巧語,但是你也不要太一針見血。
45. 不要嫌我矮。
46. 可以不要過度排斥認識我的朋友們嗎?
47. 想知道你前女友是怎樣的人,是因為我希望更了解你。
48. 我會想到未來的事情,不是因為我愛作夢。
49. 請你好好照顧自己的健康。
50. 我愛你。
1. 你耍自閉就是在打擊我
2. 不要在發動機車前有感而發:妳好像變重了!?
3. 不要常常天亮才睡,然後睡到傍晚再起來。
4. 我不吃冰的東西不全代表MC來了
5. 可以不要經常說:………
6. 吃東西太快的時候,不要一副被嚇到的樣子。
7. 吃東西太慢的時候,不要很不耐煩
8. 不要付錢很大方,回家只吃泡麵(現在男女平等,你不需要幫我出錢)。
9. 可以去參加聯誼,但是不要以為我什麼都不知道。
10. 能不能在夜歸時打電話跟我報個平安。
11. 下雨天騎車盡量穿雨衣,走路盡量撐傘。
12. 不要因為你的理想和目標而拋下我。
13. 煙酒可以盡量避免嗎?
14. 別把心事都悶在心裡不說出來讓我知道。
15. 問什麼都說:沒事啦,妳不要亂想。
16. 不一定什麼東西都要加辣吧。
17. 我會在意你的穿著,是因為關心,不是因為好面子。
18. 對兄弟哥倆拔刀相助時,能不能偶爾想到我。
19. 可以不要在加班或是熬夜時就六親不認嗎?
20. 生病看醫生不是丟臉的事情,病假不只是用來消曠課
21. 穿新衣服的時候不要說我怎麼又去逛街!
22. 常常穿同一件衣服請不要說:怎麼又穿這一件?
23. 看美女我可以理解,但是不要太熱切跟我討論。
24. 我會每秒鐘都想著你,你要接受這個事實。
25. 你不說話的話,我會直覺你是在生氣。
26. 不要太直言直語,縱然你的個性就是這樣。
27. 為什麼你會害怕讓你生活裡的人知道我是你女朋友?
28. 可以每天洗澡、換上乾淨的衣服嗎?
29. 不要總是一個人悶著頭去完成一件事情。
30. 我也會有男性朋友。
31. 別常常做出令人不安的事情。
32. 要適時的表達感覺,否則我會以為你不愛我了。
33. 運動完不要用袖口擦汗。
34. 不要覺得搭公車是很俗的行為。
35. 交通不是永遠那麼糟糕,下次遲到的話可以換個理由嗎?
36. 不要對我包包或手機上的掛飾感到幼稚。
37. 走路比你慢的時候,不要轉過頭來很煩躁的要我走快一點
38. 我說想減肥,不要直覺回答:那是不可能的。
40. 依賴是因為信任你,溫柔是只有對你。
41. 沒事卻打電話給你,是因為我在想你。
43. 多用語言表達自己的想法和感受,我們會相處得更好。
44. 我不是愛聽花言巧語,但是你也不要太一針見血。
45. 不要嫌我矮。
46. 可以不要過度排斥認識我的朋友們嗎?
47. 想知道你前女友是怎樣的人,是因為我希望更了解你。
48. 我會想到未來的事情,不是因為我愛作夢。
49. 請你好好照顧自己的健康。
50. 我愛你。
Sunday, June 26, 2011
lesson #2 : cherish the people who are still in your life before its too late
lesson #1 : Love each other or perish. after so long, your smell still lingers.
u know how much I love e way you smell.
everywhere I go it reminds me of u.
I know I shld nt be thinking about u.
but suddenly, I realized how much I miss u.
if you can hear me, pls tell me if you are doing fine.
I know u won't be able to read this.
Tootpid(stupid) me :( sometimes I wander why you want me when u still throw temper to me? If u sincere wants to be with a girl, u will talk softly.... N take care of her... N not don't bothers...
lesson #1 : Love each other or perish. after so long, your smell still lingers.
u know how much I love e way you smell.
everywhere I go it reminds me of u.
I know I shld nt be thinking about u.
but suddenly, I realized how much I miss u.
if you can hear me, pls tell me if you are doing fine.
I know u won't be able to read this.
Tootpid(stupid) me :( sometimes I wander why you want me when u still throw temper to me? If u sincere wants to be with a girl, u will talk softly.... N take care of her... N not don't bothers...
Quotes From You:
"Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself"
"Memories are the best souvenirs"
"I should have been more careful. I was blinded by your halo, so I never noticed the horns"
"Breaking up is not a stupid thing; instead it makes you a better person and realize your mistakes"
"Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!"
"Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain. Someday we'll know why the sky is blue. Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you."
"Deep down you know it's best for yourself, but you hate the thought of that someone being with someone else."
"I wish you could look at me and see the person you once loved instead of the person you have grown to hate."
"The saddest love is to love someone, to know that they still want you, but the circumstances don't let you have them."
"If you ever get lonely and you want to see my face, look at the sky, smell the air, close your eyes, and you'll find me."
Labels: :: Irene yong
"Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself"
"Memories are the best souvenirs"
"I should have been more careful. I was blinded by your halo, so I never noticed the horns"
"Breaking up is not a stupid thing; instead it makes you a better person and realize your mistakes"
"Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!"
"Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain. Someday we'll know why the sky is blue. Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you."
"Deep down you know it's best for yourself, but you hate the thought of that someone being with someone else."
"I wish you could look at me and see the person you once loved instead of the person you have grown to hate."
"The saddest love is to love someone, to know that they still want you, but the circumstances don't let you have them."
"If you ever get lonely and you want to see my face, look at the sky, smell the air, close your eyes, and you'll find me."
Labels: :: Irene yong
♥♥ When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. ♥♥ Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. ♥♥ May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. ♥♥ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
♥♥ Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
♥♥ The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
♥♥ When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
Labels: Irene yong
♥♥ Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
♥♥ The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
♥♥ When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
Labels: Irene yong
* Everything came too late
** Theres nth we can do
*** This might be Fate
**** We are meant to be Friends but not Lovers
***** A lesson Ive learnt
****** Express ur love bravely
******* b4 its too late
Dying inside cause I can't stand it
Make or break up
Can't take this madness
If you dont' know me at this point
Then I highly doubt you ever will
And I know we said let go
But I kept on hanging on
It cuts so deep
It hurts down to my soul
We both know our heart is breaking
Can we learn from our mistakes
** Theres nth we can do
*** This might be Fate
**** We are meant to be Friends but not Lovers
***** A lesson Ive learnt
****** Express ur love bravely
******* b4 its too late
Dying inside cause I can't stand it
Make or break up
Can't take this madness
If you dont' know me at this point
Then I highly doubt you ever will
And I know we said let go
But I kept on hanging on
It cuts so deep
It hurts down to my soul
We both know our heart is breaking
Can we learn from our mistakes
同樣的,他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你 。
同樣的,他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你 。
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Random thoughts:
Disagreement over the same thing again and again. When can we reach a consensus over this issue?
Don't ask me what i want in life. It's too early for me to choose my path.
- Laugh as much as u breathe, love as much as u live.
- There are many things in live that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.
- Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
Labels: Irene yong
Disagreement over the same thing again and again. When can we reach a consensus over this issue?
Don't ask me what i want in life. It's too early for me to choose my path.
- Laugh as much as u breathe, love as much as u live.
- There are many things in live that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.
- Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
Labels: Irene yong
Saturday, May 7, 2011
--> Hey, i have the same problem with me and my bf right now...i love him to death, and i trust him with everything BUT girls...maybe its because i am insecure about myself but if you think that you are being reasonable with getting jealous then i think its ok...because it shows that you care enough to bring it to their attention so they guy wont do it again. If i were you, i would try to brush it off my shoulders and just tell him that you have a problem with whatever you have a problem with it. Dont get mad or pissed off or be dramatic about it..get a kind of "whatever" attitude about the situation..things will go alot smoother, trust me:) my bf got a phone call from his ex gf, and i started thinking bad things about him, assuming that he has been up to no good..stuff that can really cause a dent in a relationship...but he calmed me down when he saw that i was looking like i was thinking too much about it. He told me he didn want ne other girl but me and that he loved me more than ever and that the girl just really likes him. So if our guy talks to other girls..i would be cautious of it and question him occasionally about how close they are to him..and if girls talk to him , then just compliment yourself on finding a good catch of a bf:) Also, if your bf loves you or cares about you to any degree..he will listen and hear you out about the problems you have with him..and he WILL try to fix them...if he doesnt care what happens..then hes not worth your time or worry. Anonymous
--> I'm going through this now....jealousy is a very bad thing as part of a relationship...it hurts you a lot to see your bf chatting and flirting with other girls...he just doesn't realise that your getting hurt and upset by seeing him doing this.....well i'm over with my bf but i still love him...he's got a few girls after him who he flirts with a lot....which makes me upset. I try not to show this as i want him to feel that i have moved on....but i haven't, that is why i try to do the same chat more to my guy mates...even the other day i did this i flirted with my guy mate...he started saying oh connection eye....which means there was a sign of jealously there, but he just tried not to show it.... Anonymously
--> I have the same issue as u girls. Im 15 and ive been with my b/f for 10 months now. Hes absoloutly amazing but he is very protective over me and if i talk to other boys he gets annoyed etc. But he talks to other girls alot and i get really hurt by it as he does when i talk to other boys. We are crazy inlove about eachother and have talked about this for ages because he wants to fix the problem because he says im the only girl he wants and loves. I know he loves me and i try to trust him but i always get jelous :( i dont know what to do anymore i hate being jealous! Anonymous
--> I'm with bf only 3 months but everytime quarrel bec of other girl.. His mouth r itchy.. Yesterday he go chalet n saw my bro Gf sister friend are all pretty n all wear very short. He will told me that he wanted to chase them, woo them n dumped me? I get sad, upset n angry.. He say this not first or second time.. I tell him that I dun like to heard this but he still say.. After I told him that I not happy, he say me u wan childish go ahead.. Is his problem but I just wanted to heard him say?Only wait him to say sorry, I will not mention other girl anymore.. At least I feel better.. But he never n trying to act blur n avoid my qns n he dun know what I wan. That night I can't get to sleep n yet he can sleep so soundly .. What should I do? does he still bother about me?
--> I'm going through this now....jealousy is a very bad thing as part of a relationship...it hurts you a lot to see your bf chatting and flirting with other girls...he just doesn't realise that your getting hurt and upset by seeing him doing this.....well i'm over with my bf but i still love him...he's got a few girls after him who he flirts with a lot....which makes me upset. I try not to show this as i want him to feel that i have moved on....but i haven't, that is why i try to do the same chat more to my guy mates...even the other day i did this i flirted with my guy mate...he started saying oh connection eye....which means there was a sign of jealously there, but he just tried not to show it.... Anonymously
--> I have the same issue as u girls. Im 15 and ive been with my b/f for 10 months now. Hes absoloutly amazing but he is very protective over me and if i talk to other boys he gets annoyed etc. But he talks to other girls alot and i get really hurt by it as he does when i talk to other boys. We are crazy inlove about eachother and have talked about this for ages because he wants to fix the problem because he says im the only girl he wants and loves. I know he loves me and i try to trust him but i always get jelous :( i dont know what to do anymore i hate being jealous! Anonymous
--> I'm with bf only 3 months but everytime quarrel bec of other girl.. His mouth r itchy.. Yesterday he go chalet n saw my bro Gf sister friend are all pretty n all wear very short. He will told me that he wanted to chase them, woo them n dumped me? I get sad, upset n angry.. He say this not first or second time.. I tell him that I dun like to heard this but he still say.. After I told him that I not happy, he say me u wan childish go ahead.. Is his problem but I just wanted to heard him say?Only wait him to say sorry, I will not mention other girl anymore.. At least I feel better.. But he never n trying to act blur n avoid my qns n he dun know what I wan. That night I can't get to sleep n yet he can sleep so soundly .. What should I do? does he still bother about me?
My boyfriend keep mention to me other girl are pretty or hot.. It really bothers me, what should I do? Is he disrespect me?
-->I agree it is disrespectful.. Maybe in the past she was always put down because of the way she looks and has a really low self-esteem... And it's not jelousy. But she's just looking down on herself wishing she were better so she could please him when he looks at her.. And she wishes for him to look at her like she's worth the very best and no other woman is as beautiful as she is in his eyes...
Everyone is different.. Everyone has a different past.. And in a relationship they should try to be excepting of what hurts the other.. If he cares about your feelings.. He'll stop mention again.
-->If a man truly loves you he won't want to hurt you and make you jealous. I don't buy it that men are programmed to do that. I'm a woman and I feel woman let men get away with this behavior! period! no excuses
--> I think it's disrespectful for my husband to comment about other girls when I'm around. It has nothing to do with being insecure or afraid that he would cheat on me, because realistically, a strange girl he sees on the street is not going to suddenly hump him because he finds her attractive.
Not only is this disrespectful to me, I think, but also for the person he's commenting on. Women are more than how they look, and I get just as bent out of shape when he comments on a good looking woman as I would if he were commenting on an unattractive women, or an unattractive guy for that matter. I think it's sexist to think that a girl would automatically feel flattered by and okay with whatever a guy says about her as long as it's something nice about her appearance. I just think we have more to think about than if some random guy thinks we're hot.
If the girl he's with is cool with, no problem. I can see where some women would be comfortable with it, because it's not that big of deal for everyone, I just hate that it's an automatic assumption that if the girl gets pissed for being treated that way it means that she's a high strung ball of insecurities. If my husband wants to act that way around his buds, or if I'm around a bunch of dudes who aren't my husband and they act that way, that's his and their own thing, but I appreciate it if he can refrain while I'm around because I deserve common respect from him.
--> Yeah, that sounds like convo you have with your homeboys, not with your girl. I'd never tell my girlfriend that I think another chick is hot unless its LC from The Hills. But she knows that I think she's hot already so its a non-issue. It just seems disrespectful to throw that at her.
--> Well personally if its like a celeb i wouldnt mind so much but if its like random girls then thats rude. It really depends on like how his attitude about it is like if he says " shes was pretty." no big deal but if it's " DAMN!! that girl so so fuckin hot did you see the ass on her!?" and just keeps talking bout it then thats pretty much poo-tastic.
Either way tell him it bugs you. If he cares and respects you enough he will stop. If he doesnt then hes prob not worth your time.
--> Thanks Dektora, because obviously Melissa is a lot better than most women. Seriously, it's one thing to look and it's another to comment. That's pretty rude. What the hell does he gain from making his comments? What exactly is he looking for? His girlfriend to agree? He's purposely trying to make her jealous...Like all douchey guys do.
--> I think it is disrespectful to say that sort of thing in front of your girlfriend. My current boyfriend used to talk about how other girls and celebrities are hot. He told me to just "get over it" but I plainly told him that I would never talk about another hot guy, or celebrity guy that I think is attractive in his presence simply because I respect him enough not to say those sort of things. I expect that level of respect in return. It has nothing to do with being insecure. I know other women are attractive, I notice them too. But it does not need to be discussed. It is just how you would never talk about your sex life in the presence your parents. In my opinion this sort of behavior should be avoided simply because it is inappropriate.
--> My boyfriend talks about other girls sometimes. He talks about they're bra sizes. For example, last night we were on the phone and he was talking about this girl at his school, that he has told me about before (we go to different schools). He says she always wears a hoodie, but that day she didn't, and he noticed what big breasts she had. It kind of made me angry, well no, i did make me angry. Its okay if he notices other girls, but when he tells me about it, he makes me feel insecure and like he wants to be with someone else. He's also talked about his past relationships, one time he told me about his first make-out session with this girl he used to be with, in full detail! He can tell I get annoyed when he does it, and I know he wouldn't cheat on me, but it makes me feel like he is. I don't know what to do, I mean its not like I want to break up with him over this, but it makes me so mad! Its not like I don't trust him, because I do, but I just want this to stop.
--> I already asked my boyfriend after the first several times he commented on other women if I wasn't giving him enough attention. Did I misunderstand when he said he wanted a girlfriend? Does he prefer me to be one of his buddies? He said no to all three-that I was great and he loved me. Then I pointed out how every time he said something stupid in front of me about how another women looked, it put distance between us. He still doesn't get it because he still does it. I have been looking for an apartment ever since because I can't see myself with someone this dense.
--> In my personal opinion, looking is expected, and inner thoughts or comments are always okay. But verbalizing appreciation should ONLY be done when in the company of one's friends. If a girlfriend is present with her man (with other dudes or without), keep your mouth shut. It would be disrespectful to comment on another woman once you've asked THIS gal to be YOURS. It would be equally disrespectful for her to comment on other men in your presence. It may have nothing to do with jealousy or insecurity...it's about respect and dignity. Act like a man, not like an ape.
Professionally, couples will vary on what they find appropriate or inappropriate. So if there's friction or disagreement in this area, get talkin! Make your wishes or feelings known. If he/she can't respect your wishes, move it along. There are others out there who will. It isn't LOVE if he can't make small alterations for the good/wellness of the relationship.
--> I recently experienced this with my boyfriend. After putting up with it for a year, I finally told him that it hurt me. He would always tell me how much he loved me and never wanted to hurt me, and when he heard how bad I felt about it he stopped. His excuse at first was that he just wanted me to be jealous so he could feel that I loved him, but later he acknowledged that he made a stupid mistake by making the comments and told me again that he would never do anything to hurt me. I am still getting over the things he said, but our relationship is getting better because he changed.
I don't recommend ignoring it like I did because it may never stop if he thinks you don't mind or find it fun. If you love him and want the relationship to work TELL him how you feel and if he loves you he will understand how bad he is making you feel and quit. It really comes down to if you want the relationship to work or not; A happy relationship does not have room for constant pain.
--> I'm going through the same type of thing. My bf will say how pretty certain celebrities are. The other night we were at the movies and he said " now THATS a pretty woman! " , just like that. It's not just the one comment though, he also commented that he could never imagine how any guy could cheat on Sandra Bullock due to the way she looks?... and when we first met, he made sure to tell me how 'very beautiful' his ex wife was. We went to a concert a few weeks ago and he constantly was looking around, ogling at other women. I've noticed this several times. I feel kind of childish saying something about it but truly, I'm mature enough to draw my own conclusions and I know most women would be very uncomfortable with this type of behavior too. It's just rude.Some thoughts should just remain our own and if we love someone, it is our responsibility to protect their feelings.
I know he'd hate it if I did it but I wont stoop to that level or treat someone else the way I hate being treated because them I'm no better. Instead, I'll just leave him and find someone who thinks I'm the most beautiful women in the room. Yes, I want it all. 100%, because I deserve it.
-->I agree it is disrespectful.. Maybe in the past she was always put down because of the way she looks and has a really low self-esteem... And it's not jelousy. But she's just looking down on herself wishing she were better so she could please him when he looks at her.. And she wishes for him to look at her like she's worth the very best and no other woman is as beautiful as she is in his eyes...
Everyone is different.. Everyone has a different past.. And in a relationship they should try to be excepting of what hurts the other.. If he cares about your feelings.. He'll stop mention again.
-->If a man truly loves you he won't want to hurt you and make you jealous. I don't buy it that men are programmed to do that. I'm a woman and I feel woman let men get away with this behavior! period! no excuses
--> I think it's disrespectful for my husband to comment about other girls when I'm around. It has nothing to do with being insecure or afraid that he would cheat on me, because realistically, a strange girl he sees on the street is not going to suddenly hump him because he finds her attractive.
Not only is this disrespectful to me, I think, but also for the person he's commenting on. Women are more than how they look, and I get just as bent out of shape when he comments on a good looking woman as I would if he were commenting on an unattractive women, or an unattractive guy for that matter. I think it's sexist to think that a girl would automatically feel flattered by and okay with whatever a guy says about her as long as it's something nice about her appearance. I just think we have more to think about than if some random guy thinks we're hot.
If the girl he's with is cool with, no problem. I can see where some women would be comfortable with it, because it's not that big of deal for everyone, I just hate that it's an automatic assumption that if the girl gets pissed for being treated that way it means that she's a high strung ball of insecurities. If my husband wants to act that way around his buds, or if I'm around a bunch of dudes who aren't my husband and they act that way, that's his and their own thing, but I appreciate it if he can refrain while I'm around because I deserve common respect from him.
--> Yeah, that sounds like convo you have with your homeboys, not with your girl. I'd never tell my girlfriend that I think another chick is hot unless its LC from The Hills. But she knows that I think she's hot already so its a non-issue. It just seems disrespectful to throw that at her.
--> Well personally if its like a celeb i wouldnt mind so much but if its like random girls then thats rude. It really depends on like how his attitude about it is like if he says " shes was pretty." no big deal but if it's " DAMN!! that girl so so fuckin hot did you see the ass on her!?" and just keeps talking bout it then thats pretty much poo-tastic.
Either way tell him it bugs you. If he cares and respects you enough he will stop. If he doesnt then hes prob not worth your time.
--> Thanks Dektora, because obviously Melissa is a lot better than most women. Seriously, it's one thing to look and it's another to comment. That's pretty rude. What the hell does he gain from making his comments? What exactly is he looking for? His girlfriend to agree? He's purposely trying to make her jealous...Like all douchey guys do.
--> I think it is disrespectful to say that sort of thing in front of your girlfriend. My current boyfriend used to talk about how other girls and celebrities are hot. He told me to just "get over it" but I plainly told him that I would never talk about another hot guy, or celebrity guy that I think is attractive in his presence simply because I respect him enough not to say those sort of things. I expect that level of respect in return. It has nothing to do with being insecure. I know other women are attractive, I notice them too. But it does not need to be discussed. It is just how you would never talk about your sex life in the presence your parents. In my opinion this sort of behavior should be avoided simply because it is inappropriate.
--> My boyfriend talks about other girls sometimes. He talks about they're bra sizes. For example, last night we were on the phone and he was talking about this girl at his school, that he has told me about before (we go to different schools). He says she always wears a hoodie, but that day she didn't, and he noticed what big breasts she had. It kind of made me angry, well no, i did make me angry. Its okay if he notices other girls, but when he tells me about it, he makes me feel insecure and like he wants to be with someone else. He's also talked about his past relationships, one time he told me about his first make-out session with this girl he used to be with, in full detail! He can tell I get annoyed when he does it, and I know he wouldn't cheat on me, but it makes me feel like he is. I don't know what to do, I mean its not like I want to break up with him over this, but it makes me so mad! Its not like I don't trust him, because I do, but I just want this to stop.
--> I already asked my boyfriend after the first several times he commented on other women if I wasn't giving him enough attention. Did I misunderstand when he said he wanted a girlfriend? Does he prefer me to be one of his buddies? He said no to all three-that I was great and he loved me. Then I pointed out how every time he said something stupid in front of me about how another women looked, it put distance between us. He still doesn't get it because he still does it. I have been looking for an apartment ever since because I can't see myself with someone this dense.
--> In my personal opinion, looking is expected, and inner thoughts or comments are always okay. But verbalizing appreciation should ONLY be done when in the company of one's friends. If a girlfriend is present with her man (with other dudes or without), keep your mouth shut. It would be disrespectful to comment on another woman once you've asked THIS gal to be YOURS. It would be equally disrespectful for her to comment on other men in your presence. It may have nothing to do with jealousy or insecurity...it's about respect and dignity. Act like a man, not like an ape.
Professionally, couples will vary on what they find appropriate or inappropriate. So if there's friction or disagreement in this area, get talkin! Make your wishes or feelings known. If he/she can't respect your wishes, move it along. There are others out there who will. It isn't LOVE if he can't make small alterations for the good/wellness of the relationship.
--> I recently experienced this with my boyfriend. After putting up with it for a year, I finally told him that it hurt me. He would always tell me how much he loved me and never wanted to hurt me, and when he heard how bad I felt about it he stopped. His excuse at first was that he just wanted me to be jealous so he could feel that I loved him, but later he acknowledged that he made a stupid mistake by making the comments and told me again that he would never do anything to hurt me. I am still getting over the things he said, but our relationship is getting better because he changed.
I don't recommend ignoring it like I did because it may never stop if he thinks you don't mind or find it fun. If you love him and want the relationship to work TELL him how you feel and if he loves you he will understand how bad he is making you feel and quit. It really comes down to if you want the relationship to work or not; A happy relationship does not have room for constant pain.
--> I'm going through the same type of thing. My bf will say how pretty certain celebrities are. The other night we were at the movies and he said " now THATS a pretty woman! " , just like that. It's not just the one comment though, he also commented that he could never imagine how any guy could cheat on Sandra Bullock due to the way she looks?... and when we first met, he made sure to tell me how 'very beautiful' his ex wife was. We went to a concert a few weeks ago and he constantly was looking around, ogling at other women. I've noticed this several times. I feel kind of childish saying something about it but truly, I'm mature enough to draw my own conclusions and I know most women would be very uncomfortable with this type of behavior too. It's just rude.Some thoughts should just remain our own and if we love someone, it is our responsibility to protect their feelings.
I know he'd hate it if I did it but I wont stoop to that level or treat someone else the way I hate being treated because them I'm no better. Instead, I'll just leave him and find someone who thinks I'm the most beautiful women in the room. Yes, I want it all. 100%, because I deserve it.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My last 2 days at SAA-GE
My last day at SAA-GE will be on this coming thursday which is 21 April 2011. Two more days to go... I have join here for more than six months and I have learned alot of things.. I join Student registry officer (SRO) on 4 October 2010 to 2 Jan 2011... In this department, my jd is to help international student to apply student pass via ICA solar web... Key in student particulars, need their parents employment letter n bank statement from their parents. Student certificate, birth cert etc... . Terminate/ cancellation of student student's pass. Conduct English placement test for students to test their level of English to enroll in CEP, I'm the invigilator of EPT that gives student listening test n grammar etc.... On 3 Jan 2011 I join Attendance department to monitoring international student attendance in all courses like CEP, CAT, ACCA and ATTS... Also need to issue warning letters to students below 90%.. Phone interview students and SMS student, conduct interview for students low attendance and if it rePeats,school will cancel student student's pass without informing. Conduct random check occasionally for CAT and ACCA classes .. Do spot check on student in the library to check student's pass before signing their attendance... have to be scheduled counter duty one week within a month.. During counter duty that week.. Monday is off duty.. Tues to fri comes work at ten till 7 plus closing.. Sat need to be back at 9 to 3.15pm.. Thanks to those colleagues help me n concern me during my tenure here, is my pleasure to know you all, I have to thanks to jasmine and li hong for the patience giving to me... Huifang, saedah, emmerline, Elise, serene, isabella, nelson, yeo Ai ling, li ling, magraet, naniek, Evelyn, intAn, kelly, jacequaline, laksha, Ivan yew, malcom and Zhi qiang... Michelle, etc... And thanks to my lunch kakis, yijun, Brian wong, lynnette, agnes, Maggie etc,, thanks all. I will miss you all..
我不喜欢他对我这样的态度。 他对我说脏话,我不能够忍受。 我真的渴望我们的爱情是美好的。 或者他没把我当女友看与对待。 如果,或许他如果真的爱我,他会道歉然后不会犯同错。 让老天决定我的幸福。 我已经没心情做认何事情了。 对爱情没信心了,对我本身的外表更不用说。 moody....是我太单纯容易相信或被男生欺负吗? 渴望被爱真的这么难吗?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Need to feel loved n appreciated
I'm just want to have a happy relationshiP that giving in to one another... Just a simple caring word. Is it so difficult? To ur Gf? Do u really treat her as the only girl you love? Or never? I appreciated n know that this 3 days he is beside me... but I just need him to put me in his heart. Am I overbroad? I know he dun wish to meet me daily. I understand bec he works tire already plus study .... But can he not neglect Gf feeling?? Can he don't simply say break off... u can just ignore ur Gf? Than wat kind of bf r u? Y is that u treat Gf that way when Gf just want your attention more... Does it wrong??Keep mention I'm childish but do he know I'm the type of girls need more attention. Since he chose me go be his Gf than he shall change n I shall change to better too... Not both keep quarrel...yes, I shouldn't be demanding. I just dun wish to be quarrel with this little thing... My request is simple.. If u wan me be ur Gf. Just put me in ur heart n stop quarreling... Everybody need to be care n concern. I should not talk rude to neighbor is my fault... I wish that I can talk to her on better attitude n manner... but I also hope others talk to me with better attitude n manner I wan to go Ecp u bring me go n also entertain my bro n neighbor. I know u do ur part... I'm too greedy... I shouldn't ask for more.. But I just worry I'm not in ur heart. As long as I'm in ur heart n u will not find others... N will not fall for others girls. ..
Give unconditionally
If you give because you want credit for what you have done or give, it reduces the impact of giving. Remember, true giving is unconditional. Nature gives unconditionally. The flower gives it's fragrance, and the sun it's light, without seeking anything in return. True love is to love others not because they are loveable or bec they love you, but simply bec you love... When your giving is unconditional , you receive intangible benefits. When to give? The Ans is today... To give to others, you have to give to yourself.we simply believe that all of us are happier when we strive to be better people. We also believe perfection Is impossible. But progress is possible and healthy. Giving is beautiful experience. By giving, you can live to your potential, avoid loneliness, become fearless, touch your spirit, and find meaning and fulfillment.
Be honest, a relationship cannot be based on lies. People are afraid to share the truth and often find it difficult to do so. However, honesty is a core value in the deepest and strongest relationships. Give love everyday, in everything u do. Kindness is an expression of love, care n concern. Love is active and not passive, and you should often express it. Every relationship that succeeds requires some degree of compromise on both sides. It takes courage to show love, but it is worth the effort and risk. One thing you can do for yourself and the other person is to give some thought to why the relationship is having problems. There are 9 steps to heal a damaged relationship:- make a commitment to improve it, visualize how it will be different, recognize that it may take time, and be persistent. Guys must take the initiative, recognize that you hv to change first.don't look for solutions first, look for emotions, etc. All human begins needs to be respected. One way to show deep respect is to listen attentively. When you listen actively, you understand the person talking to much better and so are able to communicated better. This let's the other person feel validated, understood and perhaps even loved. What you gives does not have to be an object or to have any tangible value. Our heartfelt giving is frequently in words-not words from our mouth but words from our heart. Not everyone knows how to give with humility. Compassion has been defined as"your pain in my heart". You cab feel someone's pain in your heart when you have taken the time to listen carefully and attentively.
The power of giving
The benefits of giving:- there are certain things that can gain by making giving a greater part of our life. "relationships, a feeling of security, jobs, good health, a sense of empowerment, pride and accomplishment, happiness, peace and love"....true giving begins with love, love is most powerful force in the world. Love is something all human needs.giving the gifts of compassion, understanding and unconditional love is so important. It helps to break the negative cycle in relationship and leads to a revival of love and commitment, bec when people receive love, they Learn to give love. Love allows u to make sacrifices. Love of Money is not love. The key to a successful date is having time to talk, to touch, to notice the changes in the other person. To articulate your thoughts n feelings. You are giving attention, time and focus to one of the most important relationship in your life.giving love always take effort. Laughter is a sign of life n it creates happiness.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
在我生病的那三天,晚上都是他陪着我,照顾我。 星期天早上,他去和他朋友见个面,喝喝茶,但是不知道现在在哪里? 间讯和打电话给他都没听。 他到家了没? 到家了又没让我报个平安。 我一边睡一边在哭。又梦到我的妈妈。 然后起身打给他又没接。现在我又发冷。我感觉被忽略。
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
女生快乐或不快乐是因为身边的男友懂的哄, 体贴, 关怀。 我也想有这样的男友。 每个女生都会希望。 如果一个男生根本不会哄不会体贴不会迁疚, 那为什么要让女生痛苦呢?如果一个女生遇到了懂得哄,关心,不逃避的男友。她就是太幸运了。比中马票还开心。 真是太羡慕了。一句老话, 同人不同命啊!嗨!!!真的是差太多了,每个人对爱情观也不一样。 被疼的感觉是不一样的。 真的。 懂得付责任的男生永远不会逃避一切。 多么希望我的他, 是这种男人。有些男生要找个女朋友只是要性担没爱与关怀。 但有些男生找个女友是为了照顾她一辈子。 全部关于女生的事他都会第一时间想知道,解决。 会紧张就代表在呼。爱一个人就要付出一切。不可以利用对方。天啊, 我需要被爱被疼, 因为我也是个女生啊。而且遇到对的人, 就像是天天过情人节以样的甜甜密密感觉。 好羡慕, 我知道我不能改变一个人,但只好改变自己去得到我应对的。 老天爷,我求求你, 请你给我多一点时间去把我自己变到美丽懂人去电那个好男人吧!真是的,不变到迷人都不行。我要变变变,从丑小鸭变天饿!
Monday, April 4, 2011
男人男人多希望你是好人, 多希望有你的真, 让我不必在心疼。多么希望你是对的人。捉摸不定的爱情就象是在地狱的感觉。 男女朋友之间应该帮彼此解决问题。一起分担,一起去解决和面对彼此的问题。 并不代表是烦。可以讨论和给意见。不是在干塞你, 不是让你觉得没自由。爱情就是这样子,互相关心彼此,在呼对方的感受和珍惜彼此的关心。
Sunday, March 27, 2011
爱情对我来说本来是很甜蜜的事,两个人彼此相爱,彼此关心,但是爱情这东西没有保障。因为了解彼此久了,意见不同就开始争吵。 吵久了,伤害彼此的感情, 感情就淡了。 对我来说, 爱一个人,须要为他或她付出一切。 那么对方才能感受到爱,要为将来打算,爱一个人你会很舍得买东西给对方,是男或女。对自己喜欢的人不会吝啬,女生会希望男友多关心,多专一,安全感最重要,体贴,细心,温柔,尊敬。 不能一脚踏两船,女生往往必较吃亏,一但女生爱一个男生,她会投入在这段感情。 但男生的想法是现在我可以爱你但是我不能保正我永远爱你。 男人往往是自私的,见一个爱一个。 女友就没保障和安全感了。
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Father admitted in NUH on 8 March 2011
Yesterday, I take off day to take my father to polyclicnic n see doctor for his leg vein pain. He nearly pain for one week, but I only be informed by my youngest bro on 7 march 2011 night time when I'm on my way back home. After I heard that he is seriously hurt, I feel confused bec I not even wanted to forgive him. I'm just as his daughter , I done my duties. In my heart, I can't even forgive him. I even lie my aunt n uncle that it was my youngest brother who bring my dad to polyclinic n hospital. The waiting time is long. Can you imagine if someone is In deep pain n yet hv to wait for almost 8 to 9 hours? He have to stay in hospital for one day coz today morning, he will be going scanning. I hope god bless him that he is fine. I dun wish anything happened to him. I will feel miserable. I have inform my youngest brother to give him eat something light like porridge or soupy food, but he still buy char Siew rice for him as he mention is father want to eat. Than I get scolded by terror, saying is my fault for never inform them well way should not eat, I was so angry. Yesterday 9 march 2011(wed) after my 6pm dismiss I went to Jurong point for trimming my eyebrow. After that went to ntuc xtra to buy guava n multigrains bread for idiot father. I almost 10 plus reach but we chat till 1am like that. He keep repeating the past about my aunt ask my mother to do this do that n look after their 3 kids, tire out my mum. I straightaway say him, wat past is past. Dont keep repeating the same thing again and again. His financial concept are worst than a 3 year old kid. Keep thinking, money is not to save, is for spending plus not enough money to eat how to save. He also mention the most stupid person is to earn alot n save alot of money. I wanted to ask him, if a person never save for his own emergency use than how will you have it when you have to go medical treatment? Whereas he still need to borrow money from others? Take from me? That is not the best solutions. As I have my own planning for future, even I remain to be single, I do need to save for my emergency use. Humans are hard to say, today are well, tomorrow are sick. So my main worries and issue is all about money matters, coz I hv not much savings, my father no insurance due to he have diabetics and high cholesterol. And most important is love one not beside me when i he is needed. Feel that I'm Alone to handle the battle
Monday, March 7, 2011
Simply love someone
不知不觉已经三月了, 不知不觉已爱上那个木头。 不知不觉我们认识快两年了, 时常吵架。有快乐和伤心难过的时候,我们在一月二十七号二零一一年开始我们的恋情。 这几天我有感觉到小小0.1 的幸福哦。 我们关心对方, 不能失去对方, 比之前跟珍惜对方。 他是否也有跟我一样的想法或感受?我好希望木头能够疼我, 爱护我, 关心, 体贴, 照顾我多一点。 浪漫一点, 不要粗鲁。对我温柔一点, 希望他对我是认真的。 我真的不想在感情方面受到伤害。他能给我幸福吗? 到老到死? 希望每天都是情人节, 甜蜜蜜。 我们一起努力好吗? 宝贝, 你能够脚踏实地吗? 认真做每一样事情。 我喜欢看你认真的样子, 紧张的样子。Anonymous, --> if u dun wan to write than I give up
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Difficulty trusting, fear of being misused or rejected, harbouring jealousy, and vindictiveness, defensively stone walling, having to argue and prove we're right, feeling easily hurt or offended and blaming others for our pain- these are just a few of the ways that our insecurity about being loved or lovable shows up.Love means warmth, openness to one another, allows us to make real contact, to take delight in and appreciate, warmth is love basic expression, love essence is like rainbow, passion, joy, contact, communication, kindness , caring, understanding , dedication, and devotion. When the presence of love is absent, something often feels sad, not quite right, something seems to be missing, n it's hard to find much joy, we easily fall pray to meaninglessness, anxiety or despair. Love is the central force that holds our whole life together and allows it to function.life is love and love is life. Have to ask Is it me? What did I do wrong? Is there someone else in the picture? The 4 no no that commit in a relationship: 1) playing the blame game- blaming the other party whenever there is an argument is a definite no-no. It is all right to admit that you were in the wrong. Pushing the blame to each other will not help. It may even turn into bad habit. Instead of pointing fingers, sit together and re-evaluate what went wrong. 2) bringing ex into equation- you + him = relationship; you + him + ex = tragic relationship. Comparing your ex with your current love will only make him a future ex too? Why? No partner wants to hear about how ur fantastic ex was, how he was more attentive, or how he would wait for you to end your lessons before going home together. How fantastic can your ex be if you are no longer together? 3) avoiding confrontation - you know there's a problem. You can see the cracks in your relationship yet you would rather not talk about it. Can it go away? No, it can't. Sure, a confrontation may lead to an arguement, stir up negative emotions (and a headache) but you will find in it a solution and a relieved heart. It's better to solve it than let the relationship be strained further by the lack of communication. 4) taking love for granted-
Monday, February 21, 2011
After whole day at work,feeling tire, wanted to slp but I can't be able to sleep, don't know y? Y i only can see people get ur own happiness but I can't have mine? every gift r the same, hope their bf really dote n care for them, im such a failure. Wat should I do to get wat I hope for?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Surprise from ....
I'm working and get to know from ... That got D24 durian will be deliver to my office . I thought is real durians than I tell that durians smelly cannot be brought to office . He say hehe n than around 3-4 plus, a guy call me n ask me my postal code than I ask him where did he call from? He mention starhub n I'm so curious . After a while the durians that .. Mention arrive and sign by my boss, so Ma lu。 my boss pretend to ask me things Like regarding my work . Was so surprise actually Is a bear with roses from ... . Touched lo. Bec he is a wood in my eyes all along . Hehe
Sunday, February 13, 2011
New year is a new start for all. I hv aim n plans for my future,im not young and it really needs improvement. I need to change my jealousy but provided he give me security . Sincere ,caring, loving , reduce bad temper, honest , faithful and loyal . '其实他不懂女人心。让我觉得他没诚意。 希望他有所改变,他说话没礼貌,脾气暴燥。他生气的时候, 象一只笨牛, 不会解释。 但是我觉得他有时没风度, 希望他能改 。他会在乎我说的每一句话吗?如果有一天他把我给气走, 他会追过来道歉吗? 他会知错吗?他会在乎我吗?
Valentine day to all year 2011
Today is valentine day. I hope all the couples will be loving n caring for one another. Loyal to their own partner . Hope everyday is valentine day. As wat I know romantic guy will never let their partner suffer because he will try many ways to pleased her and make her feel happy. Girls happiness is so important that some guy never know, coz really got guy is a wood lo. Guys are greedy , he never contented with what he hv. Guys mindset is hv many gf as possible. But they nv think of consequences. I wander in this world, dun know got a guy truly n sincere love only one girl or not ? So envy the girl. She is lucky. Anyway 我祝天下有情人终成眷属。
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Unknown person in my life
Sometimes, I wander who is he in m life......? But I dont know whether he really likes me or not... Sometimes he scold backiwords at me, he talk rude to me...... I angry,,,, but end up I saying sorry to him...... How come, my life so miserable.....
But I still waiting his reply everyday...... Who am I to him?
He change very fast, he say he love me, want me today, the next day we start to quarrel and ask me find others....
I dont know what he really think....
I just hope the answer will out soon... I dont want to get into any deeper when now have not been so hurtful.....
But I still waiting his reply everyday...... Who am I to him?
He change very fast, he say he love me, want me today, the next day we start to quarrel and ask me find others....
I dont know what he really think....
I just hope the answer will out soon... I dont want to get into any deeper when now have not been so hurtful.....
Transfer department within same company
I suppose to tender my resignation during Dec 2010.... My last day shall be 31 Dec 2010, same as my colleagues in SRO department. But was ask by other AM to ask me to transfer to other department doing attendance.... monitoring attendance. I hope everything is smoothly in my this department. Althought is far from my house, but I love this company... The company colleagues here are friendly..... my previous boss - Jasmine, current boss - Li Hong........ I will not let my current boss down... I must work hard and learn more things.. learn to be more independent.... learn to overcome difficulties at workplace.. Learn to solve problem... I hope can get along well with colleagues...... I hope I can confirm in this department after 3 months probation and than start to study UOL or ACCA in this school..... I hope my true love exist/appear that sincere treat me well.
As every girls hope that, but for my case, is quite different. My mother passed away, my father always taklk rubbish'/ unreasonable at times, my 2 brothers dont listen to me much... I feel I always alone.... Nobody to share my burden etc..... After my mum pass away, I never happy for even 1 minute.....
Every time feel so stress, and until sometimes really cannot really concentrade at work... I try not to bring home matter to work, but sometimes I think my life is rather tough, miserable, and lonely, alone to settle many times..... Im a human too.... not a robot.... I will drop tears.......
Just hope my prince will appear and willing to share burden with me and treat me well... truly love me.... Of course I know it needs time... but sometimes i really cry till my eyes very pain..... blury image.....
What to do.....
As every girls hope that, but for my case, is quite different. My mother passed away, my father always taklk rubbish'/ unreasonable at times, my 2 brothers dont listen to me much... I feel I always alone.... Nobody to share my burden etc..... After my mum pass away, I never happy for even 1 minute.....
Every time feel so stress, and until sometimes really cannot really concentrade at work... I try not to bring home matter to work, but sometimes I think my life is rather tough, miserable, and lonely, alone to settle many times..... Im a human too.... not a robot.... I will drop tears.......
Just hope my prince will appear and willing to share burden with me and treat me well... truly love me.... Of course I know it needs time... but sometimes i really cry till my eyes very pain..... blury image.....
What to do.....
End of Year 2010 / Start of Year 2011
Times really flies, Is end of Year 2010 and start Year 2011. I wish everyone good health in a new year. And do thing smoothly.
In new year 2011 - I really hope is a fruitful year for me. As since my mum passed away on 2008, already 3 years. My life become miserable, sadness and alot of ups and downs, downs is much more than ups...... Lucky my aunt went thru together with me. Thanks aunt....... I really dont know how to handle things alone, like talking to a father with many unreasonable words.... I will vomit blood and less live for few years..... (shorten my life) ..... I believe god got eyes to see....
I hope in Year 2011. I can learn more things and be more independent. Freedom from this kind of worries, fan nao..., (family problems) I hope everything went smoothly.....
And hope my true love appears and sincere treat me.....
Thanks god......
In new year 2011 - I really hope is a fruitful year for me. As since my mum passed away on 2008, already 3 years. My life become miserable, sadness and alot of ups and downs, downs is much more than ups...... Lucky my aunt went thru together with me. Thanks aunt....... I really dont know how to handle things alone, like talking to a father with many unreasonable words.... I will vomit blood and less live for few years..... (shorten my life) ..... I believe god got eyes to see....
I hope in Year 2011. I can learn more things and be more independent. Freedom from this kind of worries, fan nao..., (family problems) I hope everything went smoothly.....
And hope my true love appears and sincere treat me.....
Thanks god......
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